Made for jumping off

Here’s something all Right Now Crafts have in common: the finished product is designed to be a jumping-off point for more creating. Don’t get me wrong — you can definitely use your Party Banners, Cereal Box Theater, or Nicho just as they are. They’re beautiful! What I mean is, they’re designed to go with you if you feel like taking off in your own direction. They’re open-ended. I think of them as vehicles for ideas, especially when you make them with kids, who are little idea factories. That’s one reason I make them simple to do - so you can get to the real fun part quicker. The part where you’re talking about ideas, coming up with things together or just enjoying hearing your kid’s creativity blast off.

Got time for a story? I did a Mac&Cheese Houses workshop one vacation week at a local bookstore. The store had a bunch of tiny yellow stickers they put out for kids to use, and one child put them all over his house. He explained to me which family member went with each of the smiley-face stickers. He had put a lot of thought and care into that. But the thing is, without us having that short conversation I would never have known it. So decorate those banners, add features to the theater, and load your Nicho with layers of fun and meaning, and talk about it. That’s the part you’ll both remember for a long time.


Thank you for reading! If you have questions, please drop me a line.