Creativity can't wait

When you’re in the mood to make something, you want to make it right now. That moment is magical and powerful; it’s your creativity asking to come out and play with you. Having to wait is like cold water on that creative spark. In fact a big reason that all of my crafts are fast is so you don’t have to wait for the planets to align in order to have craft time.

Here are some other ways I designed waiting out of Right Now Crafts:

  • My crafts need just one bag, box, or catalog. You don’t need to wait while you save up multiples (or to remember to save them, remember why you’re saving them, and remember not to toss them out on trash day).

  • No waiting for stuff to dry before you can go to the next step, or before you can start playing with your finished craft. It’s a straight line from making to having. This is important for people still figuring out cause and effect.

  • And no waiting till you can get to the craft store for supplies, because you already have everything you need. I even note substitutions, just in case.

So next time you feel like making something, do it. See if it feels different to create in the moment rather than putting it off.


Thank you for reading! If you have questions, please drop me a line.